Category: Education

  • 5 Reasons Educational Benchmarking Drives Better Outcomes

    Educational benchmarking is a practice that measures student performance against a set of defined standards. By combining benchmarking with standardised testing, schools and communities can identify the strengths and weaknesses of both individual students and cohorts, and adjust their teaching strategies, resources and policies to effectively improve learning outcomes. To help readers understand how standardised…

  • The Swedish Translation Industry Is Changing Fast. Here’s How to Keep Pace

    The Swedish translation industry is changing fast. With the advent of technology, Swedish translation has become more accessible to people all around the world – but this also means that it’s more competitive than ever before. How are you going to keep up with the increasing demand for Swedish translations? The good news is that…

  • How You Can nurture and Participate with Your Online Community?

    The internet is often regarded as just a series of websites that are “dead” to the user. This is simply not true, as many people have invested in communities, ventures, and startups that are thriving online. With this article, I will provide you with tips on how you can be an active participant in your…

  • E-Learning Video Production: How to Create Highly-Engaging Courses

    If you are teaching, offering training, or want to share your knowledge with the world, the secret is how well your content is delivered. If you want to make a lasting impression on your audience, it’s not enough to have good information. Fortunately, there are some simple adjustments you can make to your production process…